Welcome to Developers
IvorySQL is a noncommercial, all volunteer, free software project, and as such there is no formal list of feature requirements required for development. We enjoy allowing developers to explore the topics of their choosing, though we also ensure that all new features committed to IvorySQL are thoroughly vetted by our community of contributors and committers.
Upcoming Minor Releases
The IvorySQL project aims to follow a predefined schedule, releasing at least one minor version per quarter. If additional releases are needed due to critical bug fixes or security issues, more releases will be made between these dates, so this list should be considered a minimum. IvorySQL closely follows PostgreSQL's release schedule, ensuring that a new minor version with the latest kernel updates will be released every quarter.
The current schedule for upcoming releases is as follows:
- 1st Quarter: Release v4.2 (PG Kernel 17.2)
Features: Support for multiple CPU architectures and operating systems, include architectural design documentation.
- 2nd Quarter: Release v4.3 (PG Kernel 17.3)
Features: Oracle compatible identity columns, IvorySQL Operator kernel upgrade.
- 3rd Quarter: Release v4.4 (PG Kernel 17.4)
Features: IvorySQL Cloud v4.
Next Major Release
The next major version of IvorySQL is planned to be v5.0, This release is planned for last quarter.
- Release v5.0 (PG Kernel 18.0)
Features: Oracle compatible rowid.